Installing CloudConnector for Visma Global

Installing CloudConnector for Visma Global

NOTE: Any integrations with CloudConnector or premium applications requires a Connect Unlimited price plan. Please contact info@connectmyapps.com if you're not a ConnectMyApps customer. 


To connect with Visma Global you must install CloudConnector for Visma Global. To get the installer file you must create a case with support@connectmyapps.com.

Please note that you must ensure that the necessary requirements for connecting with Visma Global are fulfilled prior to connecting.

Once you have received the installer please do the following:

  1. Log onto the server where Visma Global is installed. Ensure you log on with an account that has Administrator rights.

  2. Run the installer and follow the steps of the install wizard.

  3. After installation you will see a ConnectMyApps icon on the desktop. Double-click the icon to start the CloudConnector administrator application.

  4. Click the Login button without entering a name and password.

  5. You will see an admin screen displaying the CloudConnector Key. Copy the key.

  6. Log into your ConnectMyApps account in the CloudManager web application.

  7. Go to Applications/Add New Application. Select Visma Global.

  8. In the Authentication screen you must enter:

    1. Company Name: the name you see in the "Velg firma" box when starting Visma Global.

    2. User Name and Password: a valid Visma Global login.

    3. API Key: the Visma VAF SDK BAPI key. You will find this in the Visma Global/Licence view.

    4. CloudConnector Key: the key from step 5.

  9. Company Name: the name you see in the "Velg firma" box when starting Visma Global.

  10. Enter a name for your application and press save. We recommend the name be the same as "Company Name" from step 8.




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