Connecting to Visma Lønn
In order for ConnectMyApps to integrate with Visma Lønn a number of steps must be followed on the machine hosting the Visma Lønn installation. Finally, some required information obtained in the steps must be provided to the ConnectMyApps customer, or failing that to ConnectMyApps support. Support can be reached at
The following steps must be followed on the machine hosting Visma Lønn:
1. Installing ConnectMyApps CloudConnector
The ConnectMyApps CloudConnector for Visma Lønn is a software application that allows encrypted communication between the Visma Lønn installation and the ConnectMyApps integration platform. CloudConnector must be installed on the same machine where Visma Lønn is installed. You should see the Visma Lønn icon on the desktop to confirm you are on the right machine, if you are not sure.
The CloudConnector application itself can be downloaded via a link from the ConnectMyApps support team. Please contact the team at to get the link.
Installation is simple. After download, simply right-click the installer, choose "Properties" and tick "Unblock" and then "OK". Then double-click to run the installer. Installation should take only a minute and will complete automatically. You should see a "ConnectMyApps CloudConnector Visma Lønn" icon on the desktop after installation. Please note that there should be no need to add exceptions to your firewall. CloudConnector makes an outbound encrypted connection so does not require any inbound configuration.
Minimum requirements for CloudConnector
.NET framework 4.6.1 or higher
50 MB of hard drive space
2. Copy the CloudConnector Key
Double click the "ConnectMyApps CloudConnector Visma Lønn" icon on the desktop. A login screen will appear. You can ignore the login text fields and just press "Log in". In the next screen you will see the CloudConnector key. Press the "Copy" link to copy the key to your clipboard. You can then "Close".
3. Create a Visma Lønn User
The CloudConnector requires a Visma Lønn user login that has access to the Lønn client, or clients, that are to be integrated. It is recommended to create a user login for the CloudConnector to avoid the user login being used by other processes when the CloudConnector needs it. Please be aware that this may incur additional licence costs from Visma.
It is important that you test the login to Visma Lønn, to ensure it is correctly configured to access the desired clients.
4. Copy Visma Lønn VAF SDK BAPI Key
The CloudConnector requires a Visma Lønn VAF SDK BAPI key. The licence for this may be purchased via your Visma partner if you do not already have one. Please be aware that purchasing a licence will involve extra cost. After updating your Visma Lønn licence the key should be visible in Vis/Lisens informasjon/Advanced View.
You must copy the licence key you see in the window. Please take care to copy the whole key correctly, as the window may not display all of it. You can expand the "BAPI key" column in order to view the full key. A full key should be approximately 17 characters long.
5. Copy Visma Lønn "Firma" Names
CloudConnector requires the name of each Visma Lønn client to connect to. The name must be written exactly as it appears in the "Velg Firma" box when you start the application or attempt to switch company.
Providing Required Information
Once completed you will need to provide the following information to the ConnectMyApps customer, or to ConnectMyApps support.
ConnectMyApps CloudConnector key.
Visma Lønn user login.
Visma Lønn VAF SDK BAPI key.
"Firma" names for Visma Lønn clients to integrate with.
As this is sensitive information we do not recommend that you simply email this to our support team. Instead we recommend that you use our Secure Share facility, located here:
To use the Secure Share simply paste the information into the Secure Message, enter your email and press "Secure Upload". On the next screen you will receive a one-time code, which we will need to be able to open the message; email the code in a separate email to