Adding the Visma Lønn app on Canvas

Adding the Visma Lønn app on Canvas

Step 1 - Install CloudConnector and collect information

To connect to the customer’s Visma Lønn server over the internet, the CloudConnector software must first be installed. Please refer to this guide for installing CloudConnector on the customer’s Visma Lønn server:


Note that there is a separate CloudConnector version for each version number of Visma Lønn, so make sure that the correct version is installed.


If the customer upgrades Visma Lønn (for example from version 16.1 to 17.0) then a new CloudConnector for version 17.0 must also be installed.


After completing the steps above you should have the following pieces of information ready:

  • CloudConnector key

  • Visma Lønn login (username and password)

  • Visma Lønn VAF SDK BAPI key

  • Exact ‘firmanavn’ for Visma Lønn clients to integrate with, as shown in Visma Lønn


It is recommended to ask the user to check that the username and password work correctly in Visma Lønn. If a one-time password is set, or the account is locked, this may cause problems in the next step.


Step 2 - Register information on Canvas


Find and manage the client account

In Canvas, go to the “Clients” tab:

Search for the customer’s Canvas account, and click “Manage” on the account you wish to use.

(If you do not see the customer’s Canvas account in the list of clients, please contact ConnectMyApps - the account may not have been added to your organization yet.)

You will see a text like this indicating that you are managing the customer’s user account

Add the application



Especially if you are adding multiple apps, it is important to add the company name to the app title, to differentiate among the various apps. Otherwise you may end up choosing the wrong app later, when building your integration.

When you press the Authenticate button, Canvas will attempt to connect to the Visma Lønn server to verify that all the supplied credentials are valid. If so, you will receive the following message:



Common issues:

These are some error messages you might see when attempting to

  • “Unauthorized error”

    If you receive this message, it means that one or more of the supplied fields (company name, username, password, API key, CloudConnector key) are incorrect. Please verify each of these to make sure that all info is correct.

    A common reason for this error is that the Company name used by the API is not identical to the company name shown in the user interface in Visma Lønn. This could be because the company has changed their company name in the past, or because the company name contains special characters, which means that the integration will be using a different company name than what is shown in the UI.
    In such cases, figuring out the correct company might require some trail and error:

    • Try to authenticate using various versions of the company name.

    • Some hints can be found by checking the Visma Lønn database name. Here you see some examples of Visma Lønn database names, and how these might compare to the company names shown in Visma Lønn:


  • “Undeclared registered application”

    If you see this specific error, try refreshing the webpage




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