How to add PowerOffice Go as an application
To add PowerOffice Go as an application in your ConnectMyApps account you will need to generate a “client key” for the PowerOffice Go API. Please follow these steps:
Log into your PowerOffice Go account.
If you have access multiple companies in your PowerOffice Go account, select the one you wish to connect.
Go to Meny/Innstillinger. Then go to System/Utvidelser.
Press "Legg til utvidelse". Choose ConnectMyApps.
Copy the client key and press OK.
Once you have the client key you need to log into your ConnectMyApps account. Please follow these steps:
Log into your ConnectMyApps account here:
Go to Applications, click “Add New Application”.
Select PowerOffice GO from the list. Enter the client key and press Authenticate. You should see a “success” notification.
Give your application a name and click Finish.
Please contact us if you need further assistance at