How to Add MyStore as an Application

How to Add MyStore as an Application

Please note:

Before you follow the instructions in this article you must contact MyStore support and ask them for your "store name". This is required for integrating with MyStore. You will also need to ensure that your store is moved to the MyStore production environment - ask support to do that for you if it has not already been done. You may contact MyStore support via their standard support email or using the following link: http://www.mystore.no/kontakt-oss/

Once you have your store name and have confirmed that your store is on the MyStore production environment please do the following:


  1. In your browser navigate to https://auth.mystore.no/login . Enter your store name, your MyStore Admin login, and then press Logg Inn


  2. Once logged in go to the section Personal Access Tokens at the bottom of the page and click Create New Token.


  3. Enter a name for the token – this is just for your own future reference. We recommend a name like "CMA" so you can identify this token as being for ConnectMyApps.

  4. Next, you must check off the resources that the token will give access to.
    For simplicity, we recommend selecting all boxes with 'read', and avoiding those labeled 'hide'

  5. Click the Create button.  A new window will appear showing your token. 

    Highlight the entire token and copy it, then paste it into a Notepad or Word document. Please ensure that you select the entire token when copying it, and that you copy it before you close the window, as the token will not be displayed again. If you do not you may need to repeat the previous steps and make a new token.

  6. Log in to your ConnectMyApps account here: https://cloudmanager.connectmyapps.com .

    Click Applications from the menu on the left then Add New. Choose MyStore.

  7. Enter your store name in the Store Name field. Next, copy your token from where you stored it in the previous step and paste it into the Token field, and then press Authenticate

  8. If all is valid you will see a green "success" message and you will be invited to give your new Application a name. Once you have entered a name press Finish to complete adding your application.

    Common Issues and Solutions:

    If you get a red "error" message on step 8 the most likely causes are:
    1. Your store name is incorrect - please contact MyStore support to verify.
    2. Your store has not been moved to the MyStore production environment - please contact MyStore support to verify.
    3. You incorrectly copied your token - please perform steps 1 - 5 again to get a new token.

    If you have checked all three possibilities but still have an issue please create a support case with ConnectMyApps by sending an email to support@connectmyapps.com

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