How to prepare Smartdok for integration with 24SevenOffice

How to prepare Smartdok for integration with 24SevenOffice

This guide will explain how to prepare Smartdok for integration with 24SevenOffice to setup automatic data transfers using our three workflows:

Transfer Projects, Transfer Employees, and Transfer Time Registration.

Important: As we explain in this document, our three workflows look for matching ID codes (for employees, projects, etc.) to be able to transfer data correctly between the two programs. It is therefore important to read this guide and make sure that everything is setup correctly before starting the transfers.

It is not possible to change IDs in 24SevenOffice. Therefore all changes we describe in this guide will have to be done in Smartdok, to make sure that the fields/IDs are the same as in 24SevenOffice.

If you experience problems or have questions about our workflows you can get in touch with us by sending an email to support@connectmyapps.com

STEP 1) Prepare Smartdok for the Transfer Employees workflow 

➡️ Make sure that "Ansattnummer" in Smartdok is the same as "Contact id" in 24SevenOffice.

  • You can find the "Contact id" for your contacts (employees) in 24SevenOffice by looking them up in the CRM module:

  • Set "Ansattnummer" in Smartdok to the same value.
    You can find the employee by going to Firmaopplysninger -> Brukeroversikt.


Note: This only applies to existing employees in Smartdok. New employees (unmatched contact IDs from 24SevenOffice) will be created in Smartdok automatically by the workflow when it runs.


STEP 2) Prepare Smartdok for the Transfer Projects workflow 

➡️ Make sure that the prosjektnummer in Smartdok is the same as the "Project id" in 24SevenOffice.

  • You can find the "Project id" for each project in 24SevenOffice by searching for the project in the Project module:

  • Set the prosjektnummer in Smartdok to the same value. (Note that Smartdok shows the prosjektnummer as "Pro.Nr" in the Prosjektoversikt view, and as "Nummer" in the Detaljer view.)

Note: This only applies to existing projects in Smartdok. New projects (unmatched Project IDs from 24SevenOffice) will be created in Smartdok automatically by the workflow when it runs.

Also note that we do not currently transfer tasks or sub-projects with this workflow. 

STEP 3) Prepare Smartdok for the Transfer Time Registration workflow:

➡️ Make sure that the "Kode" for Aktiviteter in Smartdok is the same as the "ID" for Work Type in 24SevenOffice.

  • You can find the "ID" for each Work Type in 24SevenOffice by going to the Admin module:

Then go to Settings -> Hours -> Work type. 

Here you will see a list of your registered Work Types, which you can click on to see the ID:

  • Set "Kode" for Aktiviteter in Smartdok to the same value.
    You can find this field by going to Firmaopplysninger -> Aktiviteter.

➡️ Make sure that the "Kode" for Lønnsarter in Smartdok is the same as the "ID" for Salary Type in 24SevenOffice.

  • You can find the "ID" for each Salary Type in 24SevenOffice by going to the Hours module: 

Click Settings in the lower left corner, then mark Salary Type, and then click Add Salary Type:

By marking Salary Types in the list you can see its ID in the details pane on the right:

  • Set "Kode" for Lønnsarter in Smartdok to the same value.
    You can find this field by going to Firmaopplysninger -> Lønnsarter

That's it! You are now ready to use our workflows for automatic data transfers! 😊

If you experience problems or have questions about our workflows you can get in touch with us by sending an email to support@connectmyapps.com

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