Creating a workflow from template
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  • Creating a workflow from template

    1) Select the workflow template

    When selecting “Create workflow with template” you will be presented with an overview of ready-made integrations:

    Public Templates are workflow templates created by ConnectMyApps, which are public and available to all Canvas users.

    Private Templates are workflow templates created by your company.


    You can narrow down the list of available workflows by selecting the apps you want to use on the left side.

    Select the workflow template you want to use, and press “Select”.


    2) Select the apps

    In the next screen you will be asked to select the applications you want to connect.

    If you have registered multiple apps of the same type (for example, maybe you have three Salesforce apps registered on your account, using different API credentials) make sure to select the correct app in this step. You will be asked which one of the apps in your account you want the workflow to use.

    It is a good idea to give apps descriptive names when registering them to be able to differentiate easily later.


    1. In the Applications list, click the app types, and select which registered app to use (if more than one).
      Do this for all the application types the workflow template uses.

    2. Click “Set Applications”


    3) Configure the workflow

    You will now be presented with the actual workflow, which consist of blocks of logic.

    Workflow templates are usually pre-configured, but there may be some values

    1. Give the workflow a descriptive name.

    2. Highlight each of the blocks in the middle of the canvas work area and look under “Working Area” for any mandatory fields marked with * or other configurable fields that need to be changed for your use case.

    3. Click the save icon to save your workflow.


    The workflow is now configured and ready for use. Next we will see how to run the workflow.

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