Workflow status
  • Ready for review
  • Workflow status

    Here is a list of all possible workflow statuses, with a brief description of the underlying meaning:

    • Requested - A workflow run has been requested and added to the backend queue, and is currently awaiting execution. This step will normally take a few seconds.

    • Running - Workflow is currently processing

    • Ready - The workflow completed a run successfully

    • Error- The workflow failed. Check the workflow editor to see which block failed, and check the failed block’s Response tab for more info.

    • SafeStop - If a user requested the workflow run to stop using the Safe Stop option

    • ImmediatelyStop - If a user requested the workflow run to stop using the Immediate Stop option

    • Stopped - If processing was stopped by a user clicking on the Stop button

    • AutoStopped - If processing was stopped automatically

     Related articles

    • Block statuses: link

    • How to stop a running workflow: link


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