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This page documents following objects provided by Canvas and which can be used in block JS-code:


All packages provided by Canvas and which can be used in block JS-code:


api package contains methods for working with CMA API.

CMA API is another CMA solution which is a wriper for the APIs of third-party applications, which integration is provided by CMA. The list of supported applications is provided by this link


Sends get request to endpoint by specified url. Is asynchron method.


url- relative path to endpoint, is mandatory. The path starts from application short name.

appkey- application key, is optional. If empty, then set by default from corresponded workflow application.

skey- session key, is optional. If empty, then set by default from corresponded workflow application.

//get list of all endpoints provided for MyStore application
var response = await api.get('myst2/meta');


Sends get request to endpoint on specified CMA API server by specified url. Is asynchron method.


url- relative path to endpoint, is mandatory. The path starts from application short name.

srv- CMA API server name, is optional.

appkey- application key, is optional. If empty, then set by default from corresponded workflow application.

skey- session key, is optional. If empty, then set by default from corresponded workflow application.

//get list of all endpoints provided for MyStore application
var response = await api.getDirect('myst2/meta', 'cmaeu3');

Sends post request to endpoint by specified url. Is asynchron method.


url- relative path to endpoint, is mandatory. The path starts from application short name.

jData - request body, is mandatory.

appkey- application key, is optional. If empty, then set by default from corresponded workflow application.

skey- session key, is optional. If empty, then set by default from corresponded workflow application.

let newProduct = { 
    "number": "000TS-01",
    "name": "T-short Adidas White XS",
    "vatType": 31
var response = await'trip2/product', newProduct);


Sends post request to endpoint on specified CMA API server by specified url. Is asynchron method.


url- relative path to endpoint, is mandatory. The path starts from application short name.

jData - request body, is mandatory.

srv- CMA API server name, is optional.

appkey- application key, is optional. If empty, then set by default from corresponded workflow application.

skey- session key, is optional. If empty, then set by default from corresponded workflow application.

let newProduct = { 
    "number": "000TS-01",
    "name": "T-short Adidas White XS",
    "vatType": 31
var response = await'trip2/product', newProduct, 'cmaeu3');


fx is a package, which contains functions provided by CMA, but also can be increased by organizations specific functions. Some functions are grouped by packages including applications specific functions.

Full documentation of all functions you can get by this link.


logger is a package which helps to work with User Logs in block JS-code.

The package contains just one log method.

logger.log('Hello world!');


myVault is a package which contains methods for working with collections of keys-value pairs. All methods are grouped by access level type:

  • Workflow level. A collection is shared between all workflow blocks.

  • Account level, which is also called as Global myVault. A collection is shared between blocks of all account workflows.

There are myVault methods which you can call in js-code:


Workflow level

Account level

Writes key and value into myVault dictionary



Writes key and value into myVault dictionary on the workflow complete event



Reads value from myVault dictionary by specified key



Removes key-value pair from myVault dictionary by specified key



Determines whether the myVault dictionary contains the specified key




Writes key and value into myVault dictionary belonged to the workflow.


key-the key of the element to set.

value-the value of the element to set. The value can not be null.

 example #1
let key =  1;
let value = fx.utcNow();
await myVault.set(key, value);
 example #2
let key =  'order#1';
let value = fx.utcNow();
await myVault.set(key, value);
 example #3
let keys =  [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
let value = fx.utcNow();
await fx.forEach(keys, async(key)=> { 
    await myVault.set(key, value); 


Writes key and value into Global myVault dictionary belonged to the account.


key-the key of the element to set.

value-the value of the element to set. The value can not be null.

 example #1
let key =  1;
let value = fx.utcNow();
await myVault.setGlobal(key, value);
 example #2
let key =  'order#1';
let value = fx.utcNow();
await myVault.setGlobal(key, value);
 example #3
let keys =  [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
let value = fx.utcNow();
await fx.forEach(keys, async(key) => { 
    await myVault.setGlobal(key, value); 


Writes key and value into myVault dictionary belonged to the workflow.

This method differs from myVault.set method in “saving into myVault is deferred” condition and will be executed on workflow complete event.


key-the key of the element to set.

value-the value of the element to set. The value can not be null.

 example #1
let key =  1;
let value = fx.utcNow();
await myVault.setOnComplete(key, value);
 example #2
let key =  'order#1';
let value = fx.utcNow();
await myVault.setOnComplete(key, value);
 example #3
let keys =  [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
let value = fx.utcNow();
await fx.forEach(keys, async(key) => { 
    await myVault.setOnComplete(key, value); 

\uD83D\uDCCB Related articles

Please also see session.vault by this link

Please see conditionas for “Workflow complete“ by this link


Writes key and value into Global myVault dictionary belonged to the account.

This method differs from myVault.setGlobal method in “saving into Global myVault is deferred” condition and will be executed on workflow complete event.


key-the key of the element to set.

value-the value of the element to set. The value can not be null.

 example #1
let key =  1;
let value = fx.utcNow();
await myVault.setGlobalOnComplete(key, value);
 example #2
let key =  'order#1';
let value = fx.utcNow();
await myVault.setGlobalOnComplete(key, value);
 example #3
let keys =  [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
let value = fx.utcNow();
await fx.forEach(keys, async(key) => { 
    await myVault.setGlobalOnComplete(key, value); 

\uD83D\uDCCB Related articles

Please also see session.vaultGlobal by this link

Please see conditionas for “Workflow complete“ by this link


Reads value from myVault dictionary by specified key.


key-the key of the element to get.

 example #1
let value = await myVault.get(1);
 example #2
let value = await myVault.get( 'order#1');
 example #3
let keys =  [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
let values = [];
await fx.forEach(keys, async(key) => { 
    values.push(await myVault.get(key)); 


Reads value from Global myVault dictionary by specified key.


key-the key of the element to get global value.

 example #1
let value = await myVault.getGlobal(1);
 example #2
let value = await myVault.getGlobal( 'order#1');
 example #3
let keys =  [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
let values = [];
await fx.forEach(keys, async(key) => { 
    values.push(await myVault.getGlobal(key)); 


Removes key-value pair from myVault dictionary by specified key.


key-the key of the element to get global value.

 example #1
let value = await myVault.remove(1);
 example #2
let value = await myVault.remove('order#1');
 example #3
let keys =  [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
await fx.forEach(keys, async(key) => {
    await myVault.remove(key); 


Removes key-value pair from Global myVault dictionary by specified key.


key-the key of the element to get global value.

 example #1
let value = await myVault.removeGlobal(1);
 example #2
let value = await myVault.removeGlobal('order#1');
 example #3
let keys =  [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
await fx.forEach(keys, async(key) => {
    await myVault.removeGlobal(key); 


Determines whether the myVault dictionary contains the specified key


key-the key of the element to get global value.

 example #1
let contains = await myVault.contains(1);
 example #2
let contains = await myVault.contains('order#1');
 example #3
let keys =  [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9];
keys = await fx.filter(keys, async(key) => { 
    return await myVault.contains(key); 


Determines whether Global myVault dictionary contains the specified key


key-the key of the element to get global value.

 example #1
let contains = await myVault.containsGlobal(1);
 example #2
let contains = await myVault.containsGlobal('order#1');
 example #3
let keys =  [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9];
keys = await fx.filter(keys, async(key) => { 
    return await myVault.containsGlobal(key); 


All properties provided by Canvas and which can be used in block JS-code:


Datasource is an array of block responses, which dependency is set for the block

 Example #1
//the block has dependencies with 2 blocks: employees and timepunches
let employees = Datasource[0];
let timepunches= Datasource[1];
 Example #2
// the block has a dependency with 1 block, which response is an array of objects with 3 properties: 
// API_key, employees and timepunches
let employees = fx.getEntityFromSource(Datasource[0], “employees“, ["API_key"]);
let timepunches = fx.getEntityFromSource(Datasource[0], “timepunches“, ["API_key"]);

\uD83D\uDCCB Related articles

Please see documentation of fx.getEntityFromSource by this link

Please see also Response by this link


dateLastRun is a global workflow property which can be used in js-code. The property value is a date and time when a workflow was processed successfully last time. If workflow is a new and has not been run before, then property value is NULL.

You can see the value of workflow dateLastRun on the Workflow list page or read this value in js-code.

Rules when dateLastRun is updated

There is a list of cases when dataLastRun is updated:

\uD83D\uDCCB Related articles

You can know how to start workflow running by this link

You can know how to stop workflow running by this link


session is an object which is shared between all blocks in the workflow and contains following properties:


session.vault is an object of keys-value pairs which was set by myVault.setOnComplete() method and which will be moved into myVault on workflow complete event.

 Example #1
let key = 1;
let value = fx.utcNow();
session.vault[key] =value; // the same code with myVault.setOnComplete(key, value);
 Example #2
let value = fx.utcNow(); =value; // the same code with myVault.setOnComplete('abc', value);

Please note that overriding of session.vault is forbidden.

For example, you will not be able to set following:

session.vault = [];

session.vault = null;

session.vault = 5;


session.vaultGlobal is an object of keys-value pairs which was set by myVault.setGlobalOnComplete() method and which will be moved into Global myVault on workflow complete event.

 Example #1
let key = 1;
let value = fx.utcNow();
session.vaultGlobal[key] =value; // the same code with myVault.setGlobalOnComplete(key, value);
 Example #2
let value = fx.utcNow(); =value; // the same code with myVault.setGlobalOnComplete('abc', value);

Please note that overriding of session.vaultGlobal is forbidden.

For example, you will not be able to set following:

session.vaultGlobal = [];

session.vaultGlobal = null;

session.vaultGlobal = 5;


session.vars is an object which Canvas provides for keeping of global variables in workflow context, which are not included into block responses.

session.vars = {c: 1, str: 'abc'};
session.vars.obj = {id: 1, name: 'flower'};
session.vars.arr = [1,2,3,4,5];

Please note that overriding of session.vars is forbidden.

For example, you will not be able to set following:

session.vars = [];

session.vars = null;

session.vars = 5;


Canvas provides just 1 method which can be used in block JS-code, it is getVariables().


Returns array of block variables. No parameters.


let v = getVariables();

let url = `quin/Sections?apikey=${v.apiKey}`;

let sections = await api.get(url);

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