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When setting up a new integration on Canvas, the first step is to register the applications we want to connect.

When you register a new application on a user account you will be asked to provide the necessary API credentials (usernames, passwords, API keys, etc) for the app.

These details are then stored safely in the user account, and can be used by the integrations (“workflows”) that you create. Canvas handles API authentication for you, simplifying the process while ensuring safe handling of sensitive data

If you are setting up an integration for a client we recommend that you add the app to the client’s own account, i.e. a separate account set up by/for the client.
As a Canvas partner you will have admin permissions for your clients' accounts. So you can add the app for them, or if you prefer not to handle the credentials you can ask them to add it themselves to their account, as described in this article.
Also see this article for info on how to manage a client account.

To add an application to the user account, go to the Applications section and click the + sign in “Add new appliaction” button at the top right cornerof the screen:


Select the application you want to connect to. We are going to add “Talent Manager 2”, you can search for the app you want at the top of the page. Click “Configure“ on the app you want to set up.


Enter the requested credentials, and give the application a descriptive name, and press Authenticate to save.


If authentication fails you will receive an error message. Otherwise the credentials will be stored in an encrypted vault for later use. Session tokens are automatically refreshed, so you can build your integrations and interact with the API without having to think about authentication.

Repeat this process to register applications for all other apps that will be part of your integration.
