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Canvas handles API authentication for you, simplifying the process while ensuring safe handling of sensitive data.

When you register a new application on a user account you will be asked to provide the necessary API credentials (usernames, passwords, API keys, etc.) which will be used by the integrationfor the app.

These details are then stored safely in the user account, and can be used by the integrations (“workflows”) that you create. Canvas handles API authentication for you, simplifying the process while ensuring safe handling of sensitive data.

To add an application to the user account, go to the Applications section and click the + sign in the top right corner:


Enter the requested credentials, and give the application a descriptive name, and press Authenticate to save.




The credentials will not be visible after saving. It is therefore important to give the app a descriptive name (for example by appending the company name


, as shown in the screenshot) to avoid confusion later on.

If authentication fails you will receive an error message. Otherwise the credentials will be stored in an encrypted vault , and session for later use. Session tokens are automatically refreshed. This lets you to build , so you can build your integrations and interact with the API without having to think about API authentication.

Repeat this process to register applications for all other apps that will be part of your integration.
